Whistleblower Hotline
Please be informed that Aramco Fuels Poland sp. z o. o. has introduced the Whistleblowing and Whistleblower Protection Procedure, which governs the handling of internal reports of actual or potential breaches of law as referred to in Article 3.1 of the Whistleblower Protection Act of 14 June 2024 and follow-up activities.
A whistleblower can be current or former employee as well as any other person engaged with Aramco Fuels Poland and job candidates who attended the recruitment process or other negotiations prior to signing a contract with Aramco Fuels Poland.
Breaches may be reported:
- by name - which enables identification of the whistleblower and providing them with feedback
- anonymously - which makes it impossible to identify the whistleblower.
Reports may be submitted:
- by email at: integrity@aramcofuels.com.
- by phone: during working days between 8 am and 4 pm at +48 511 881 750
- by traditional mail to: Kierownik Zespołu ds. compliance Aramco Fuels Poland sp. z o. o.,
ul. Jana z Kolna 11, 80-864 Gdańsk with a note: “Deliver to hand”
- in person: in a meeting with the Compliance Team Leader at Aramco Fuels Poland sp. z o. o., after first arranging the meeting by phone at +48 510 069 420.
- If a whistleblower requests a meeting in person, the meeting will be arranged within 14 days of such request. In such a case, with the whistleblower’s consent, the report will be recorded on video or in minutes of the meeting.
- Report made by phone is recorded, with the whistleblower’s consent.
- For email reports, the whistleblower may protect the correspondence with a password, first consulting the IT team on the method to send the password or on another method of encrypting the correspondence.
- If sent by traditional mail, the whistleblower may put the report in two envelopes. The inner, sealed envelope should be marked “Deliver to hand to Compliance Team Leader” and the outer envelope should be addressed to Aramco Fuels Poland without identifying the sender.
The report should contain:
- Description of the reported breach and the date of its occurrence;
- Explanation why the whistleblower believers a breach has taken place;
- Identification of the breaching person and witnesses, if any;
- Name and contact details of the whistleblower, if the whistleblower wishes to identify themselves;
If the whistleblower identifies themselves, they will receive confirmation of receipt of report within 7 days of receipt.
Whistleblower protection:
- The whistleblower is entitled to full protection against reprisals, discrimination, harassment and other types of unfair treatment or retaliation in connection with the notification.
- Aramco Fuels Poland guarantees and assures the whistleblower that the personal data related to the receipt of the report is processed in a way that prevents unauthorized persons from gaining access to the information covered by the report and protects the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower, the person whom the report concerns and any third parties identified in the report. Confidentiality protection applies to information from which the identity of such persons can be directly or indirectly identified.
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